Painting kitchen cabinets are a great and inexpensive alternative to a complete kitchen renovation. Whether you use a brush or sprayer, follow our steps to achieve the best finish!
For a designer, layered kitchen cabinet finish, we recommend Jolie Matte Finish Paint. Also known as, Jolie Chalk Finish Paint. Check out our Jolie Matte Finish paint page to learn more about Jolie Chalk Finish Paint.
For a modern, classic kitchen cabinet finish, we recommend General Finishes Milk Paint. Also known as, General Finishes Furniture Paint. Check out our General Finishes Furniture Paint page to learn more about General Finishes Furniture Paint!
For a bright, white modern finish use General Finishes Brushable White Enamel, as you should not topcoat BRIGHT WHITE. General Finishes Brushable white Enamel is a paint and topcoat in one. For more information on Brushable White Enamel, visit our product guide HERE.
Not sure which paint line works for you kitchen? Consult with us! Call us at (631) 560-9759 or use our Suite Pieces Virtual Consultation to speak with one of our expert design associates.
How to Prep:
- Remove all the doors and hardware. Keep them in an organized system, as many doors can be custom fitted to each space. We recommend using a Sharpie to number the cabinets and base underneath where the hardware lays. You can also use painters tape to number and label with your Sharpie.
- Degrease the surfaces (doors, drawers and cabinet base) by spraying Krud Kutter on then use the scrubby side of a household sponge. Use Suite Shop Towels to wipe all the product off and let dry.
- Tape off surfaces in the kitchen you do not want painted with Frog Tape.
How to Paint:
- First, you will paint on your Jolie Matte Finish Paint.
- If you are using brush, we recommend using Jolie Signature Paint Brush.
- If you are using a sprayer, you must thin your paint with Water. We recommend using 10-20% of water to paint. For best results, use drop cloths and spray outside or in an open, well-ventilated area.
- Paint at least 2 coats for best coverage
- Next, seal with Jolie Wax OR Varnish*:
- For Wax; you will dip you Jolie Wax brush into wax and brush it on. Then buff it back with a Waxing Rag or Suite Shop Towels. For best results, come back 24-hours later and apply a second coat of wax.
- For Varnish; make sure you shake the can and mix any solids really well, then apply a liberal first coat, allow 4-6 hours for the varnish to dry, lightly sand then apply a second coat.
- If you using a brush; we recommend using Jolie Flat Brushes. Apply 2-3 coats. For larger surfaces, use a roller.
- If you are using a sprayer, do not dilute the varnish. Spray at full strength.
- You can put the cabinets back on and add the hardware once they are dry, but make sure you are gentle with your kitchen for at least 30 days while the products cure.
*Please note, precautions should be taken when using a penetrating topcoat over white paint. Although the varnish is non-yellowing, depending on the substrate, there could still be stains, tanning or dyes that are pulled through the topcoat and appear yellow. When working with white paint and topcoat, a primer should be used to avoid any bleed through. We recommend Stain Blocker Primer from General Finishes.
To learn more about using Jolie Chalk Finish Paint, watch our video HERE.