Artisan Enhancements Pearl Plaster
Pearl Plaster creates an opulent and luxurious pearlescent finish, which adheres to almost any base coated surface. Once set and dry, the finish will resemble the look of velvet with a shimmering vibrancy.

How to apply Pearl Plaster:
- Make sure the surface is base coated or sealed.
- If you are working on a stained surface, make sure the surface is sealed.
- Apply using a brush, trowel or roller. Pearl Plaster is versatile. It can be watered down and applied as a wash over a base coat of color, mixed into paint to create a colored plaster or used solid and troweled through a stencil to create a raised design.
- Use with our Stencil Trowel Brush for a beautiful raised effect
- To tint Pearl Plaster with Jolie Matte Finish Paint by mixing a 1:3 ratio of paint to Pearl Plaster. Keep in mind the paint will dry lighter than it looks.


Seal with Artisan Enhancements Clear Topcoat Sealer or General Finishes High Performance Topcoat or our furniture waxes.
To learn more about Artisan Enhancements Pearl Plaster as a wash, watch our video HERE.
To learn more about Artisan Enhancements Pearl Plaster with a stencil, watch our video HERE.