Artisan Enhancements Crackle Tex
Crackle Tex is a thick medium that allows water based paints or plasters to create "chunky", chipped crackled effects or an overall crackled paint effect. Crackle Tex reproduces the sophisticated, aged, antiqued look of weathered paint and/or plaster.
Crackle Tex is ideal for water-based flat paint, like Jolie Matte Finish Paint. It will not crackle latex paint.

How to apply Crackle Tex:
- Make sure the surface (which is the undercoat that you will see though the cracks) is completely dry.
- Crackle Tex will absorb into raw surfaces & won’t crackle, so be sure to seal before use on raw finishes.
- Apply liberally using a brush and work it into the surface.
- Crackle Tex will go on milky but dry clear.
- Apply a topcoat color to the dried Crackle Tex and the crackles will begin to appear as the paint is drying.
- To achieve a “chunky” effect, use a paper towel to pull off some of the wet paint from the 2nd coat.
- Sea with General Finishes High Performance Topcoat, Artisan Enhancements Clear Topcoat Sealer, or our furniture waxes.

Clean up with soap & water.
To learn more about Artisan Enhancements Crackle Tex, watch our video HERE.